Monsters. Wrestling. Monsters wrestling monsters.

It is a time of great peril. Monsters have been appearing in various parts of the world. Some are evil, with a desire to wipe out humanity while others want to coexist. Not all of humanity is on the same side either. Some have turned to experimental and taboo science experiments to destroy all monsters. Others see how similar monster and mankind really are and seek peace.
One thing is for sure, the only way to solve this calamity is to pit the opposing sides against each other! And sell tickets to it!
With a total favor vote, the United Nations approved the 'Daikaiju Project' and thus Daikaiju Pro was born. Additionally a new council, The Department of Daikaiju, headed by Oliver Butterscotch, was created to assist in overseeing the new league. Not just a combat league, but a global government network made up of every nation on Earth, bringing the best of both good and evil to the squared circle to fight for supremacy, prestige, honor, power, bragging rights, and money!
Daikaiju apparel
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